4 more day until Halloween, and 4 more days until I need to produce a bunch of food for my kids and their friends at a party we are having! My kids are not little. They range in age from 19 to 28 but do love to get together and also love to eat my food! When they asked if we could have party I was all for it. I really like their friends and love having everyone over for any occasion.
I made a suggestion that everyone bring an appetizer to share. This way I wouldn't spend my entire time in the kitchen. Well, I think there was a vote, and the kids friends all would rather give me money because they want ME to cook! So, because it's quite a compliment, and because I'm a sucker for these kids. I agreed! Here is what I have so far on my menu board. It may change as it usually does a bit at the last minute, but so far this is what I am going with. Oh, and that guy up there, he was dinner last night. Just trying to get myself into the spirt of the season!
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